BB code is a set of tags based on the HTML language that you may already be familiar with. They allow you to add formatting to your messages in the same way as HTML does, but have a simpler syntax and will never break the layout of the pages you are viewing. The ability to use BB code is set on a forum-by-forum basis by the administrator, so you should check the forum rules when you post a new message.

Code Format Function
[ b ]- [ b ]text[ /b ] Bold Text
[ blockquote ]- [ blockquote ]text[ /blockquote ] Block Quote (highlight) Text
[ br ]- [ br ] Line break
[ center ] [ center ]text[ /center ] Centered Text
[ code ]- [ code ]text[ /code ] Code follows
[ color ]- [ color=#808080 ]text[ /color ] Coloured text
[ email ]- [ email=address ]text[ /email ] Email Address
[ file ]- [ file=filepath ]text[ /file ] link to a file "filepath" for download purpose
[ hide ]- [ hide ]text[ /hide ] use = mainly for forum threads.
this bbcode hides the text to none users and to users who didn't answered to the thread
[ i ]- [ i ]text[ /i ] Italic Text
[ img ]- [ img ]url[ /img ] Displays image
[ justify ]- [ justify ]text[ /justify ] Justifies Text
[ left ]- [ left ]text[ /left ] left aligned text
[ link ]- [ link=url ]text[ /link ]
[ link=external=url ]-text[ /link ] Link to another page
[ list ]- [ list ]text[ /list ] Ordered list
[ quote ]- [ quote ]text[ /quote ] Quote what someone else said
[ right ]- [ right ]text[ /right ] Right aligned text
[ size ]- [ size=15 ]text[ /size ] Set different text size
[ spoiler ]- [ spoiler ]text[ /spoiler ] return the text with the same colour than the background.
default is #ff00ff unless you defined an other one in your theme.php
define('SPOILER_COLOR', '#xxxxxx');
[ time ]- [ time ]text[ /time ] Convert an unix timestamp using e107 convert method. eg [ time=forum ]1197642254[ /time ] shows Fri Dec 14 2007, 03:24PM 
[ u ]- [ u ]text[ /u ] Underlined Text
[ url ]- [ url=address ]text[ /url ] Same as [ link ]