Multi dintre noi probabil sunt curiosi daca mai foloseste si altcineva decat membrii familiei reteaua WIFI. Acest lucru poate duce la neplaceri, plecand de la viteza scazuta pana la infractiuni destul de serioase.
Astazi va prezint soft-ul Who’s On My Wifi, un soft gratuit care va arata cine mai foloseste wifi-ul dvs. Nu trebuie decat sa il instalati, sa ii da-ti o scanare iar in partea stanga va aparea lista device-urilor care sunt active.

Ce este Who’s On My Wifi?
Who’s On My Wifi Free Windows Software helps keep your network safe by adding a level of visibility not commonly available.
Most routers can show you who is currently on your network, but very few let you Tag your good devices so you’ll know if an intruder joins your network next week while you’re away.
We care about your security

Who Is On My Wifi Windows is Spyware and Adware Free.
We open source our router software because we think it makes a safer product.
We make money by selling the advanced features and technical support of our Who’s On My Wifi Online Service to businesses.
System Requirements

Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2008
Uses .NET Framework 3.5 (will install if not available)
List of historical changes – Version History

Who’s On My Wifi for Windows

Easily Detect all devices on your network
Runs in the background constantly looking for intruders
Be alerted when an Unknown Device shows up
Connect to Who’s On My Wifi Online for Reporting and Notifications

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